
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Today  in maths Jericho and I stared a maths DLO and we had to explain how we worked out the to our question. To work out or answer to our question we had star with the brackets then the exponents

Monday, May 29, 2017

In writing we have been looking at the structure of a narrative. We thought about the job of each part and matched it up with the narrative example.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


For dance Today we started learning about free flow and bound flow free flow comes from the bones and bound flow comes from the muscles. We stared practising our shapes and the shapes we learned about twisted, curved, straight shapes and angler shapes.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

World of Maths

On Tuesday we went to the World of Maths. Our groups first task was the pizza pie and it was hard started off hard then it got easier. The next task was a lot easier then the first one. Our third task was a little harder and we had count the flash of the and how fast it takes to go down the ramp and the task was steep descent.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

kiwi sports

Today for dance Mrs Anderson did her first dance lesson. In dace we did warm up routines. A warm is what we had create and we show the audience what we did then had to swap round. And I thought it was fun because I found all sorts of other routines.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Today for maths I learnt how to use the split strategy for example you start from a number then you half it until you get to a decimal number. I think this strategy is good because it makes it easier to work out the answer.